paybone voip recharge usage policy
When you use our voip credit
recharge service, you are regard to understand and accept the following policy:
- Please
make sure you fill in correct voip userrname (which you use to login on
your voip website or mobilevoip app)*, since we can not verify whether your
voip username is existed. It is one way recharge system and it is not possible
to change after credit transferred.
- If you recharged wrong
voip username (which exists but not belong to you), you need to contact
that voip user by yourself to
negotiate to solve your issue, we are unable to help on this.
- Our service is completed
up recharge is completed, no refund is possible.
- If you do not get credit
after payment, the first thing you need to do is to send
wechat payment proof in detail with Order Number via picture to
our wechat official number: IWCALL,
we will check and usually reply within one working day.
- Only recharging supported
voip brands, which are listed on this
- There will be 5% handle
fee deduced if you want to refund a recharge (none-existed username or not supported brand).
How to contact the
voip user which you recharged wrongly?
- From your computer,
and downlaod client software&Install;
- Login on with your
voip account, search for a contact and fill in the username you want to
search, then add that user and contact.
Login on with
your voip username(Reference pictures):

Paybone service
Contact wechat: paybone
- 请确保您输入正确的voip用户名(用于登录voip网站或mobilevoip
- 如果您为错误的voip用户名充值了(存在但不属于您),则需要自己与该voip用户联系协商解决您的问题,我们无法为您提供帮助。
- 充值完成即表示我们的服务已完成,无法退款。
- 如果您在付款后没有获得余额,您需要做的第一件事是通过图片将详细的带有订单号的微信付款凭证发送到我们的微信官方公众号:IWCALL,我们将在一个工作日内答复。
- 仅充值支持的voip品牌,支持的品牌列表请见这里。
- 因用户名输错后续要求退款的,会扣5%的手续费,前提是你输错的用户名不存在或属于不支持的类型。此种情况下,提供正确的或支持的用户名,可以充值不扣费。
